While it hasn't moved on rates this year, it has restricted credit through quotas on the amount of loans banks can make. 虽然中国央行今年在此之前一直没有对利率进行调整,但却通过对银行可发放的贷款数量设置配额来限制信贷。
Draft ( s) so drawn must be inscribed with the number and date of this Restricted Negotiation Credit. 开具汇票须注明本限定议付信用证的号码和日期。
Over the past year China has raised interest rates and bank reserve requirements in an effort to fight inflation, and these measures have restricted the flow of credit into the economy. 过去一年,中国已数次上调利率,并提高了银行存款准备金率,以遏制通胀,这些举措限制了信贷流入经济。
The authorities have restricted new credit in part to stifle inflation but they have also introduced measures deliberately aimed at limiting property speculation and squeezing out small, poorly capitalised developers. 中国官方限制新增信贷的部分原因是为了抑制通胀,但他们也有意采取了一些措施,旨在限制炒房,并将规模较小、资金匮乏的开发商挤出市场。
In more regulated times, credit controls or the gold standard restricted the creation of credit. 在更加规范的时代,信贷控制或金本位限制创造信用。
Accounts funded via credit card may be restricted to receiving withdrawals via credit card. 以信用卡注资的账户或许只限于通过信用卡提款。
In addition, the financial crisis has restricted credit flows with spreads on debt to developing countries having widened significantly. This means many developing countries will struggle to finance their existing deficits, let alone fund the kind of fiscal rescue packages being contemplated by developed economies. 另外,金融危机限制了信贷流动发展中国家的债务息差已明显扩大,意味着许多发展中国家将难以为他们现存的赤字融资,更不用说出台发达国家所酝酿的那种财政刺激方案。
The financial stability and development are restricted by financial environment, which includes legal, policy and credit cultural elements. 我国的金融稳定与健康发展日益受到金融环境建设的约束。金融环境包括法律、政策和信用文化等诸多层面。
From two aspects of demand and supply this paper analyses the restricted factors of developing the automobile consumptive credit at present in our country, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures. 从需求和供给两方面分析了我国当前发展汽车消费信贷的制约因素,并提出了相应对策。
Low interest-rate restricted by government causes huge financing gaps, as a result, commercial banks could arrange limited loan funds only by credit rationing. 政府管制的低利率造成巨大的融资缺口,商业银行只能通过信贷配给的方式安排有限的借贷资金;
Thirdly, loan availability is restricted by banks 'credit policy. 第三,银行现行的信贷管理制度限制了民营企业对技术改造贷款的获得;
This seriously restricted the full play of the policy function of the SMEs 'credit guarantee system, and it also increased the country's financial risks. 这严重制约了中小企业信用担保机构政策性职能的发挥,增加了我国的金融风险。
Its exertion is restricted by many factors of politics, economy, money, credit, status, power, and so on. 而它的发挥更受到政治、经济、金钱、荣誉、地位、权力、技战术,以及体育精神和自由意志等诸多因素的牵制。
However, at present, our individual credit-rating sector is heavily restricted to many factors such as the incomplete regulations and rules in credit, the imperfect market-operating mechanism, and no individual credit-rating system. 但我国目前发展个人征信业却受到信用法规不完善、市场化运作机制不健全和统一的个人信用评估体系未建立等因素的制约。
Been restricted on interest rate for long time, the domestic commercial banks are all weak in loan pricing, such as ( 1) The loan pricing not been involved in the decision mechanism of credit; 由于长期的利率管制,我国商业银行的贷款定价管理十分薄弱,主要体现为①贷款定价未被纳入信贷决策机制中;
Secondly, because of narrow sources of funding, liquidity problems have seriously restricted the long-term sustainable development of the Micro Credit Corporations. Thus, the government should relax the financing of Micro Credit Corporations and other issues in certain concessions. 其次,小额贷款公司的资金来源狭窄、流动资金不足问题严重制约着长远可持续发展,政府应放宽对小额贷款公司外援融资的限制并在税收政策等方面给予一定的优惠。
However, due to the small and medium enterprise credit guarantee market asymmetric information can lend to adverse selection and moral risk, as well as the small and medium-sized enterprises by stage of its development is restricted, the reason is that SME is the lack of credit. 然而由于中小企业信用担保市场信息不对称导致的逆向选择和道德风险及中小企业受自身发展阶段的制约,使得中小企业融资极其困难,究其原因主要是中小企业信用不足。
These problems have seriously restricted the sound and rapid development of individual credit checking industry in China. 这些问题严重地制约了我国个人信用征信行业的健康快速发展。
In the new stage of development, Agricultural Development Bank and the existence of "refinance light pipe" thinking has restricted the improvement of the quality of its credit assets, and many non-performing loans with the loans after the formation of the negative regulators are closely related. 在新的发展阶段,农发行存在的重贷轻管思想一直制约着其信贷资产质量的提高,许多不良贷款的形成都与贷后监管的不利密切相关。
In the underdevelopment of rural, the reason of farmers be restricted by formal credit is the risk of the problems that associated with information asymmetry, high transaction costs and lack of mortgage. 在经济不发达的农村农户受到正规信贷约束的原因大多是因为信息不对称、交易成本过高与抵押担保不足相关的风险问题。
It not only results in the credit rating agencies market credibility shortage, also have restricted the rating agencies 'playing its role in China to enhance the efficiency of capital market credit risk management. 这不仅导致各信用评级机构的市场公信力不足,也严重制约了评级机构在提高我国资本市场信用风险管理效率方面发挥其应有作用。
This condition severely restricted the survival and development of rural credit cooperation. 而且已经严重制约了农村信用社的生存和发展。
Personal credit information is collected and used improper frequently, greatly restricted the development of credit industry. We should pay attention to the conflict between the public interest and private interest and handle the conflict. 在如今征信体系尚不完善的情况下,个人信用信息被不当收集和使用的情况比较频繁,极大的制约了征信业的发展,我们要注意协调和平衡社会公共利益与私人利益之间的冲突。
This chapter mainly elaborated the factors restricted credit policy, testified that only when the factors are considered while choosing the credit policy that the credit policy could be reasonably made and chosen. 本章主要阐述制约信用政策的诸多因素,说明企业信用政策的选择必须综合考虑各方面的影响因素,才能合理制定和选择信用政策。
These factors to a certain extent have restricted the rapid development of the SME credit business. 这些因素一定程度制约了其中小企业信贷业务的迅速发展。
The sound development of Chinese socialist market economy and increase of competitive abilities in international business are severely restricted by the loss of economic honesty and credit. 经济诚信的缺失,严重制约了我国社会主义市场经济的健康发展和国际经济竞争力的提升。
However, the defective capital contribution of shareholders in China is a severe problem, which has threatened the business safety and restricted the development of foundation of the social credit system. 我国公司股东出资瑕疵问题异常严重,而由此引发的瑕疵股权转让问题对交易安全也构成了极大的威胁,严重破坏了整个社会信用体系的建立。